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The Impact of Calculus to the Modern World

Edgar John Dy

The very main concept of calculus revolves around the rate of change or change of a certain quantity given an amount of time. There are two main categories of calculus, the differential and integral calculus. This breakthrough in mathematics has led to various innovations and inventions that have greatly affected the world which is what molded the technological and digital age we have to this present time.

In full confidence, one can say that calculus is all around us. Ever since Isaac Newton and Gottfried Liebniz discovered calculus, it has been a great tool in the modern world. It applies in almost every major academic field that calls for mathematics, be it engineering, sciences, finance, and the like. An example would be plotting graphs that analyzes calculations of trends and changes of the future, because it is imperative to use calculus to know the most accurate estimation.

There are a lot of fields that pamper on the concept of calculus. The most patronizing users of calculus would be the fields of engineering and medicine. In engineering, there are graphs and computations that require calculus to be able to solve some mathematical problems that are of great importance to the world. There are engineering models that are created using calculus that are essential for planning. In medicine, the same concept applies. Although, other fields that enjoy the use of calculus include the vehicles and transportations, acoustics, electricity and power and more (“How Isaac Newton Changed The World with the Invention of Calculus”, 2017).

Given the premise that calculus take charge in computing the rate of change in a given system, it could be implied that it is easier to manipulate systems. It gives a sense of power to be able to calculate the possible outcome of the future even if it hasn’t happened yet. By controlling a system, it is under the discretion of the user of calculus on what it wants to do with it. The possibilities to use calculus in manipulating systems to derive new systems are only limited to one’s imagination.

Calculus is not just limited to studying and understanding it. The beauty lies on the application of calculus to new inventions and fresh innovations. There are a number of new concepts that are introduced into our modern world that used calculus to come into existence (“Applications of Calculus”, n.d.).

The concept of how credit card companies use calculus has struck me the most whenever I think about an innovation or invention influenced by calculus. I have always admired the concept of finance and how mathematics play a great role in the said field. Delving deeper into how mathematics and calculus become a great tool in finance has made me curious because I have always believed that there is more to it than just counting money.

There is a process on how credit card companies use calculus for their business. It follows a systematic computation that was modelled carefully to achieve the exact value in which a credit card user must pay. Whatley (2008) explains in her article how a customer will attain an accurate minimum balance,

“When minimum payments on a credit card needs to be computed, calculus is the method used. Credit card companies use the differential type of calculus to calculate this amount. There are several variables that go into the calculation because it is calculated by the amount of money that is due by a certain time (usually the due date that is listed on the bill). Add on to that the interest rate given and it becomes a complicated task. With all the changing parts, interest rates and available balances, the calculation has to be done simultaneously in order to provide the customer with an accurate minimum balance.”

In this innovation, differential calculus was used to determine the most accurate and least possible balance of a credit card user. Imagine if calculus hasn’t been discovered, then credit card companies would have a hard time calculating the minimum balance if not impossible. That is why it is essential in the banking and finance sector because it uses the concept of changes most of the time and the values computed are usually high and plenty.

With the exposition of the great help of calculus in the modern world, it is safe to say that calculus has provided a great impact to our lives. Without calculus, everything would still be a lot more complicated and harder. Some concepts would still be shaky right now, especially the rate of change, if calculus has not been discovered. That is why calculus serves as a very important tool in mathematics in today’s society.


Applications of Calculus. (n.d.). Retrieved September 30, 2018, from


How Isaac Newton Changed the World with the Invention of Calculus. (2017, March 18).

Retrieved September 30, 2018, from


Whatley, T. (2008, December 29). How Credit Card Companies Use Calculus. Retrieved

October 01, 2018, from



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